Retraction and Withdrawal

Article Retraction
If a paper is found to be published in Inspiration: Journal of Information and Communication Technology, it is considered withdrawn for publication if:
- They have clear evidence that their findings are unreliable, either by mistake (e.g. falsification of data) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error).
- The findings have previously been published elsewhere without appropriate cross-reference, permission or justification (for example, if there is a case of over-publication).
- it is plagiarism
- report unethical research

The retraction mechanism follows the Retraction Guidelines of the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE).
which can be accessed at

Article Withdrawal
Articles withdrawn at the request of the Author will be charged:
- If the author requests withdrawal of the manuscript while the manuscript is still in the peer-review process, the author will be penalized by paying IDR 500 per manuscript.
- If the manuscript is withdrawn after the manuscript has been accepted for publication; authors will be penalized by paying IDR 500 per manuscript.
- If the author requests to withdraw a manuscript, an official letter signed by the corresponding author and agency leader must be sent to the Editor in Chief.