Software Defect Prediction For Quality Evaluation Using Learning Techniques Ensemble Stacking
Software defects, Prediction, Feature Selection, SMOTE, Hyperparameter TuningAbstract
This research aims to improve the software quality and effectiveness of zakat management by the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) through the development of a software defect prediction model (SDPM). We used machine learning techniques and ensemble stacking approach on the "Masjid Tower" dataset containing 228 records and 34 attributes. The preprocessing process involved label encoding, feature selection with Pearson correlation, standard normalization, and the use of SMOTE to handle data imbalance. We performed hyperparameter tuning with grid search CV on Machine Learning algorithms such as Ada Boost and Gradient Boosting. The results showed that the ensemble stacking approach with a combination of Gradient Boosting, Ada Boost, Decision Tree, Bayesian Ridge, and LightGBM meta learner algorithms provided high accuracy with R2 score reaching 0.97, MAE of 0.037, and MSE of 0.006. This finding proves that the ensemble stacking approach is able to overcome the problem of software defects with accurate prediction results, provide useful guidance in the management of zakat and other software applications, and has the potential to improve software quality and the effectiveness of BAZNAS in managing zakat.
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